Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another One bites the Dust

By 10am London ( 04:00:00 a.m. Friday December 31, 2010, if my math is right) it will be a new year as this one comes to end; I find myself reflecting on all that has happened. I’ve gained some new friends, and lost one that can not ever be replaced. Changed bosses three times, moved desks upwards of six times, and changed teams twice. I’ve found someone that not only puts up with me but feels blessed to get an opportunity to do so.

I failed at my new years resolution, it took me two and half months to finish “Little Women” and I enjoyed it, but was not able to finish “Grapes of Wrath” made it all the way to California, but just stopped caring.

Someone I use to work with said that resolutions, are stupid the way I think Hallmark™ holidays are stupid. The concept that we need a day set aside to remember how blessed we are. I’ll not rant about it today but it does bother me.

I’ve in lieu of that, I’ve decided to go with what is at the heart of the concept, of self improvement. To live a better life I’ve always felt that I’m just a concept away from understanding all of it. Life and where I fit in it.
I don’t what the truth is, or where the lies end, and the truth begins. The ultimate answer may be forty-two, and the closet I may come to the ultimate question is “How many roads, must a man travel?” I don’t know if the secret is to “Hold on, and Let go”? I doubt I will find my answer in media, however easy that would be.

I plan to spend the moments following this, moving forward towards a better life. I haven’t figured out how I’m to do that, but I believe I’ll find my way. “I have two (meteorically) good legs, I need to put them two use.