Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year new You?

I wish I had more time, but this idea came to me about a month ago, and never had time to type it up. So here we go it is 5:18pm CST 12/31/09. I decided what I would do as my New Years Resolution, I aim to read a literature classics every month.

I’m sure it doesn’t sound like much, but truly that is the idea, I have many horrible habits, but one of them is that I take on things so much bigger than me, and refusing to ask for help. So I believe that progress, may be attained by focusing on what is already in us, and tweaking it. Not an original idea, but nothing about me is original, just the way I throw it all together.

January is “Little Women” but I need suggestions for the other eleven months.

I go on some other things, but I need to get my butt moving if I’m going to have everything done by 9:30.

I’m sure by the time any of you read this it will, no longer be 2009, however be safe, and happy well into the new year, and when you meet your new you, tell them I said Hello….

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